Submission deadlines:
Dialogues translation: 16 November 2018
Visual Arts & Multi-media: 23 November 2018
.Dialogue Translation (English to Chinese) – Please contact us for the dialogues.
.Visual Arts (Photo, drawing, painting, decorative arts and crafts) expressing one of the following quotes.
.Multi-media (Videos or Music) expressing one of the following quotes
Quotes from At Eternity’s Gate
But these flowers will wither and fade. All flowers do. But mine will resist.
When facing a flat landscape, I see nothing but eternity.
When I look at nature, I see more clearly the tie that unites us all. A vibrating energy, speaking in God’s voice.
I can give them hope and consolation.
I’d like to share my vision with people who can’t see what I see the way I see.
I can make people feel what it’s like to be alive.
Turn your heart away from things visible and turn yourself to things invisible.
I paint, as a matter of fact, to stop thinking. I stop thinking, and I feel that I’m a part of everything outside and inside of me.
I find joy in sorrow. And sorrow is greater than laughter.
Sometimes they say I’m mad, but a grain of madness is the best of art.
.Junior Secondary Category – Secondary 1-3 (Grade 7-9) students
.Senior Secondary Category – Secondary 4-6 (Grade 10-12) students
.Open Category – Tertiary students; or public
* All photos should be submitted as a jpg file (File size minimum 1600 x 1200 Pixels; 2MP).
* All other artwork should be submitted as a jpg file (i.e. with a photo taken) through the platform and the original form to be presented at the Awards Ceremony.
* All videos should be submitted as a file (preferably as “.mov”) via a file hosting website like, WeTransfer, Google Drive, etc.
* Videos that are not in English must have English subtitles.
* All entries must be original work.
* Submitted entries must have been produced in October to November 2018.
* All videos must be one (1) minute maximum of running time, including title and end credits.
Consent and Copyright
* All entries must be accompanied by submission forms.
* Entrants must obtain the consent of everyone appearing in their artwork if their faces are recognizable.
* Entrants must obtain the consent of everyone whose copyrighted, patented or trademarked material, including music, appears or is included in their videos or other forms of artwork (in accordance with Hong Kong copyright laws).
* By entering this competition, you consent to the use by the organizers of all images, text and materials that you submit for any purpose, in any media, for an unlimited period, without remuneration. We have the right to publish, display, reproduce, adapt, promote or otherwise use entries in any way we deem fit.
* By entering this competition you agree that if you win you will participate in any promotional activities or material, without additional payment or permission, as we may request.
On 27 November 2018, an online voting system will be set up. People will be asked to vote online for their preferred language arts presentation. The People’s Choice Award will be adjudicated to the film with most votes as of 3 December 2018 at 6:00 PM. All other awards will be awarded by the adjudication committee.
Release of Results and Awards Presentation
Results will be announced on the website on 6 December 2018.
Awards Presentation Ceremony is to be held in January 2019. Should an awardee not be present at the Ceremony, the Award will be given to the person representing the school.
Awards selection and results are subject to final decision of the judging committee.
The organizers reserve the final right to all awards and the awards presentation.
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