Leadership Programme 2009
ThinkSeries Leaders 2009 - Go Further

Samantha Au Young, HKUGA College
I am Samantha Au Young from HKUGA College, like my name SAM, S stands for Sports, A stands of Arts, M stands for Music. I am very enthusiastic in these three aspects. People describe me as an optimistic, talkative and energetic person.
No one is perfect, the same applies to me. I am afraid to stand on the stage, when I see every eye looking at me, I go shy and nervous. Thanks to the school for giving me quite a lot of opportunity to be up on the stage, I have already improved a lot. Nevertheless, I still want to develop my confidence about how to lead a successful program and how to draw attention from the audience without being so nervous. Therefore, I really treasure the opportunity to be part of this group and I will try my best to be a good leader.

Chan Hiu Kwan Natalie, Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College
My name is Chan Hiu Kwan, Natalie. I am a F.5 student from Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College. I am an optimistic and highly self-motivated person. Also I have immense eagerness to try, learn and explore new things. I celebrate and appreciate differences between people, so I enjoy teamwork and interacting with others, I believe that builds my friendly and approachable character. Living a meaningful life, filling people around me with love and contributing to the world is my life-long goal.
It is my great pleasure to be one of the leaders in this programme. I would like to seize this very opportunity to broaden my horizons. I would very much like to improve my social and communication skills by cooperating and interacting with others in a variety of situations. Boosting my confidence is also something I want to achieve. I hope to expand and stretch beyond my comfort zone so that I can go into unexplored territory and try something I’ve never tried, just like being a 'Master of Ceremony' (MC) and speaking before a large audience. Most importantly, I hope to explore my unexplored potential and uncover my potential to be a great leader and begin my life-long journey to achieving a wider global perspective and become sympathetic to the needs of others around the world. I would like to embrace new cultural experiences as I mature.

Chan Kwok Hei Kenny, S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School
It is such a precious opportunity for me to take part in this program. I am so grateful for being accepted to this thinking program, and believe this will certainly be a highlight in my school life. As a newcomer to the scheme, please allow me to do a bit of self-introduction here.
I am Kenny Chan, a F.4 student, from S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School. I am a vibrant person and also a deep thinker. I love reading since it can enrich my knowledge as well as sharpening my thinking skills. Apart from that, I am keen on interacting with others. I value cooperation and see it as a way to have problems solved through joint efforts.
When it comes to my expectation on this program, I would like to learn various leadership skills as well as boosting my confidence in public speaking. Through this program, I would have the chance to meet a multitude of people and this will brush up my communication skills as well as extending my social circle. Lastly, I would like to broaden my horizons and global vision through undergoing different kinds of training.

Joyce Chin, St. Mary's Canossian College
Some say teenage girls look much alike, but I am quite sure that my positive attitude and laughter can differentiate me from others. Owing to this talent, I can always comfort others (and myself as well) even in adversary by viewing things in another perspective – there is always a way out. On top of being a cheerful girl, I am also a devotee of debating. Not only did it grant me a chance to put my communicative temperament in the right use, the diverse motions and short preparation time also trained me to take challenges more readily. All these have contributed to my admission to this programme.
When I knew that I was accepted into this programme, I literally felt thrilled for going to work with the other 19 bright teens in holding the award ceremonies. Although we have just met each other, I believe that we can cooperate well and astonish the public by our high caliber.

Elaine Fung, Good Hope School
Hi everyone, this is Elaine, a F.4 science student from Good Hope School. You might know me as the outgoing, sporty girl who enjoys sports, socializing and meeting new people, or you might know me as the artistic girl who sketches, likes photography and reads a lot. Either way, I am always inspired by people around me and I aim at doing better than my best.
I feel like this programme would be an amazing opportunity for me to meet and work with people from different schools. I look forward to learning from all the training sessions and also my teammates, and in turn gain valuable experience.

Ko Mai Sea Maisie, Good Hope School
Hi this is Maisie! The THiNKSeries Leadership Programme is highly rewarding and I am enjoying myself very much. People are nice and programmes are tight and exciting, I hope I can spend more time with my dear teammates!!

Jocelyn Heng, Maryknoll Convent School
I am probably the loudest and wackiest person in the room. Although I am rather pragmatic at times, I have plenty of spontaneous moments too. I am an avid debater—it is also the only activity I have! I firmly believe in the principle of “Work hard, play hard”, so expect me to dive into things with zeal and dedication. During my spare time I enjoy reading and sampling various cuisines with family and friends—don’t expect me to cook though!
Having previously taken up roles as MC and event manager, I decided to broaden my scope by working in the Marketing Communications team. It is certainly a fun new experience and I am enjoying every single moment of it! I hope to gain insight into efficient press operations and effective communication. I’m sure the 20 of us will have a superb time during the programme; I look forward to further enhancing our team dynamics!

Hung Po Shan Redpo, MFBM Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College
I have an unusual name REDPO but I am not an unusual student. I do not have any professional specialty but I have an indomitable spirit. I would not abandon if I have not tried my best. One of the reasons is that I have perseverance. For some difficulities, I would think of various methods to address them. I believe that everything comes true as long as you have patience. I am glad to be one of the young leaders and I know I need to learn more from the others. I wish I can build up my confidence, verbal skills, communication skills, and cooperation skills after participating in the leadership program.
For our 20 young leaders, we will have great time together and handle the difficulties together soon. I do believe what our trainer said ‘You are already a prince or princess.’ Let’s achieve our goals and shine on our stage!

Samantha Au Young, HKUGA College
We have already got together for half a year; every moment we spent together was memorable and precious. It was the first time for me to join leadership Programme and cooperate with outstanding students from all over Hong Kong. Being the youngest in the group, I was always supported and taken care by the rest of the leaders, and we got together like brothers and sisters. I was really glad that you all walked through the voyage these days with me...
Besides, by working with all the leaders, I have managed to think carefully from different perspectives when we think we know the answer. It was very lucky that this year’s Think Series leadership Programme gave us lots of opportunities to explore by putting ourselves into different positions. This leadership Programme gives us chances to get one step closer to society. Although we had a hard time tackling our work, nevertheless, we tried our best to get the job done and made it with our efforts.
I hope that the team can last forever, with our efforts, with our heart, with our spirits.

Chan Hiu Kwan Natalie, Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College
“Once upon a time, there was a frog living in a well and one day it was kissed by a princess. Magic then happened—the frog showed its real face--- a charming PRINCE!”
This was the story Clement told us during the first training session months ago, and now, all of us leaders have experienced this MAGIC! The rewarding leadership programme has really uncovered our potentials to be genuine princes and seasoned leaders.
During the past few months, we were trained by professional and marvellous trainers. Not only have I acquired useful skills, I have also learnt to think out of the box and step out from my comfort zone. It is surely wonderful that I can work and cooperate with elite students from other schools and together we organized the THiNKPosi+ive, THiNKGre@t and THiNKAga!n award ceremonies. Though it was challenging and exhausting, I still remember how joyful and satisfied we felt when hand in hand we accomplished the huge task. It is TEAMWORK that counts!
Being a master of ceremony is also a life-long memory to me. Previously I often felt uneasy speaking before a sizeable audience, let alone giving positive energy to the audience. I am so grateful I have gained this opportunity. At present, I have become more confident and equipped with skills be a good master of ceremony!
Equally important is the fact that I wish to express my utmost gratitude towards Wiseman Education to work out this wondrous MAGIC on us!

Chan Kwok Hei Kenny, S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School
THiNKSeries does make a difference to me. I am grateful for being accepted to this inspiring programme, and believe this will certainly be a highlight in my school life.
I am Kenny Chan, a F.4 student, from S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School. I am a vibrant person and also a deep thinker. I love reading since it can enrich my knowledge as well as sharpening my thinking skills. Apart from that, I am keen on interacting with others. I value cooperation and see it as a way to have problems solved through joint efforts.
From the beginning of the programme, 20 “strangers” (now companions!) gathered to go through intensive training and I was unfamiliar with everyone. I was so shy and reserved. Nevertheless, their passion and enthusiasm have influenced me a lot and I learnt to shake off my shyness to get involved in this TEAM!
Certainly, things don't go smoothly all the time during organizing the events. As obstacles emerged, we tackled them with our joint efforts. The more challenging the hindrance, the higher our team spirit ! Everyone was on fire and our momentum to achieve a successful ceremony was unstoppable. Despite the problems we encountered, we had so much fun in cooperating with each of us through the preparation! I am so glad that I can have such supportive teammates and I'm sure we have developed lifelong friendship among us. This absolutely boosts my experience and skills in organizing events, too.
The BIG day has finally come and we are all so exhilarated about it! All of us share an ultimate goal -- achieve a great ceremony. It’s time to let us shine!
"Everybody gets ready! On the count on 3--2--1..."

Joyce Chin, St. Mary's Canossian College
Be professional – it indeed became my motto throughout the preparation of the two awards ceremonies. The way of working in the programme is very much different from that in school – every day is a deadline that must not be missed or we risk having a ceremony without trophies, banners or even winners. It might seem harsh at the beginning, but now approaching to the end of the programme, I have started missing the days working with my fellow THiNKSeries Leaders. The experience and bonding with each other is way too hard to be explained in black and white, but one thing for sure is that the programme has undoubtedly become the highlight of my life as a Form Six student.

Elaine Fung, Good Hope School
It definitely wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say how time flies – it seems like it was only yesterday that the 20 THINKSeries Leaders from different schools met each other- today we already are the alumni of this programme. For me, the experience of the THINKSeries is very memorable, not only because I had the chance to meet and work with 19 other talented students from schools all around Hong Kong, but also the opportunities I was awarded with by organizing 2 events of such scale.
Throughout the programme, I was always touched and immensely inspired by how much our teachers from the workshops believe in us – their enthusiasm in teaching and guiding us, as well as the genuine support and care they offered made me realize how I could reach for much more if I believed in myself.
I’d like to thank each and everyone I came to knew through the THINKSeries Programme – the time I spent with you and all I’ve learnt from you will always remain in my mind for many years to come.

Ko Mai Sea Maisie, Good Hope School
I just cannot think of anything more amazing than to work with 19 extremely talented student leaders. Through inspiring exchange of ideas, tight cooperation and useful training programmes, I have come to appreciate the creative power of my fellow teammates and how collective effort can bring together something as big as a prize ceremony. Though my participation is limited, these very considerate people always include me and I definitely feel the warmth and energy. One just cannot ask for more!

Jocelyn Heng, Maryknoll Convent School
When the programme first started in January, the notion of single-handedly organizing two award ceremonies was rather daunting. After all, how could the 20 of us scramble a major event together in mere weeks? However, the team’s dedication and devotion to quality proved my sceptism misplaced. Once we warmed up to each other after the initial training sessions, we worked in sync like the best of buddies.
As a “macro” person, I had always tended to look at the big picture while neglecting the minute details. This programme trained my meticulous eye and spurred me to challenge my own limits.
Be that as it may, we could not have achieved what we have without the continuous support of Clement, Winnie and Eric. Thanks for everything!
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.- Aristotle
Bits and pieces that made this an unforgettable programme:
Waking up to 30 new emails every day. Trying to come up with funny lines for emcee-ing. Writing press releases and attempting to translate them. Pestering the press for media coverage. Preparing certificates like assembly line workers. Poring over minute-by-minute rundowns. Joking around with my fellow teammates. And most importantly, rocking the show and shining on stage!

Hung Po Shan Redpo, MFBM Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College
Life seems an endless journey. Magic bullets and Mark Six wins are but pie in the sky. What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Lao-tzu said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I took a giant leap by being one of the leaders of the “THiNK Series” this year. What a great honour to be associated with this event.
Initially, the idea of being a Master of Ceremonies and working in a project management team was all Greek to me. I learnt so much from the co-leaders and trainers. Perhaps, the greatest lesson of all was that I could push beyond my limits to become more confident, self reliant, and well-informed.
The Programme not only widened my outlook, but it also enriched my knowledge and gave me the courage to be more independent. What I have gained this year is priceless. Hence, thanks to you all for everything.
The great poet Horace was right. We should seize the day. To hesitate means failure. One must treasure each opportunity and keep pushing forward with our life. You have to believe in yourself. This is the secret of success.
Participating Schools
We would like to say a special thank you to all teachers who nominated their students for the ‘ThinkSeries Leadership Programme’.
The participating schools are:
- Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College
- Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
- Belilios Public School
- CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School
- Christ College
- CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School
- Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College
- Christian Alliance SC Chan Memorial College
- Cognitio College (Kowloon)
- Confucian Ho Kwok Pui Chun College
- Creative Secondary School
- CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
- Diocesan Boys’ School
- Diocesan Girls’ School
- DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
- Good Hope School
- Hang Seng School of Commerce
- Heep Yunn School
- Heung To Middle School
- HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School
- HKUGA College
- Ho Dao College
- Ho Fung College
- Holy Trinity College
- Homantin Government Secondary School
- Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College
- Hong Kong Red Cross John F Kennedy Centre
- Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School
- Hong Kong Tang King Po College
- Immaculate Heart of Mary College
- King Ling College
- La Salle College
- Lai Chack Middle School
- Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)
- Marymount Secondary School
- MFBM Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College
- Ning Po College
- N.L.S.I Peace Evangelical Secondary School
- Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School
- NT Heung Yee Kuk Tai Po District Secondary School
- PLK Law Foundations College
- PHC Wing Kwong College
- PLK Mrs Ma Kam Ming Cheung Fook Sien College
- Po Leung Kuk 1984 College
- Po Leung Kuk Ma Kam Ming College
- Po On Commercial Association Wong Siu Ching Secondary School
- Pope Paul VI College
- Queen’s College
- Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
- S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School
- Sacred Heart Canossian College
- Shau Kei Wan Government School
- Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School
- Shung Tak Catholic English College
- Sing Yin Secondary School
- St Catherine’s School for Girls
- St Francis’ Canossian College
- St Mark’s School
- St. Francis Xavier’s College
- St. Joseph’s College
- St. Joan of Arc Secondary School
- St. Mary’s Canossian College
- St. Paul’s Co-educational College
- St. Paul’s Convent School
- St. Paul’s Secondary School
- St. Rose of Lima’s College
- St. Stephen’s Girls’ College
- STFA Leung Kau Kui College
- STFA Seaward Woo College
- Tak Sun Secondary School
- The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad College
- True Light Middle School of Hong Kong
- Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School
- Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School
- Tuen Mun Government Secondary School
- Tung Chi Ying Secondary School
- Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
- Wan Yan College, Kowloon
- Yan Chai Hospital No. 2 Secondary School
- Yan Chai Hospital Tung Chi Ying Memorial Secondary School
- Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School
- Yew Chung International School
- Yew Chung International School (Hong Kong)
ThinkSeries Theme Song
Composed by Rose Lee (TS10), Lyrics by Vivien Ko (TS10)
On my own, I can fly, high above, in the sky
Love being alone, I lie
There’s no one on my side and I cry
But I feel someone standing by my side
Oh my friend, because of you all things seem so perfect
I wish our friendship would last till the end
ALL: The sun rises up every time you’re here
Girl: Make me standing strong
All the worries gone!
I want to thank you with all my love
ALL: My friend DO stay here beside I pray
ALL: All the time we’ve spent to play
Make me smile on my way
As what we have said.
Contact Us
Winnie Fung | 3187 4995 |
leaders@thinkseries.org |

ThinkSeries Snapshot Competition provides a platform for our next generation to demonstrate their
- global perspectives on how to make the world a better place
- innovative ideas in art, music, sport, language, science and technology
- commitment to our society, the environment, and the world
THiNKGre@t and THiNKPosi+ive 2009 Finale
TH?NKPosi+ive and TH?NKGre@t Awards Ceremony proved a great success. We are very pleased with the enthusiastic response from students, teachers and principals, as shown in the quality and quantity of entries, involving over 2,000 students from Hong Kong.
We would like to express our gratitude to all guests, principals, teachers, students, and parents for the immeasurable support and encouragement given to the
TH?NKPosi+ive Lyrics and TH?NKGre@t Snapshot Competition 2009. Your presence meant a lot to us.
Sharing of Guests
Ms Theresa Cunanan | Lecturer, College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
Congratulations again to all students who won, and to your coaches and mentors. I hope all participants will keep this meaningful project alive by taking part every year. We can all capture moments of life in words and pictures – moving and stills – making transcience mean something to us.
Mr Lai Tsang Hing | Chairman, Hong Kong Parents’s Association
Some of those entries impressed me very much and let me understand what you (students) are thinking . I appreciated very much about your serious production. Whatever you win any award or not, at least you had gained a lot of experience. Keep up this working attitude, you will have a Bright Future.
Mr Michael Tsang | Head of Treasury, Asia, Thomson Reuters
“People say you can learn a lot from your elders. Equally if not more, we learn so much from our younger generation. I am heartened to see in this year’s entries the almost endless level of commitment, enthusiasm, creativity and high standard of English expressed. The world may be changing, but it is still love at the core that makes the world go round.”
Sharing of Principals & Teachers
Mr Wong Chi Kwan | Principal, Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
I am most impressed by the exemplary manner in which it is conducted. I am especially happy that all our students in Hong Kong received the recognition they deserve, although they all faced stiff competition in this process.
I believe that the process of learning English is as important as the products produced. I am therefore pleased that the students had the opportunity in the lyric component to showcase their talents. Personally, I am especially happy that the students from our school performed exceptionally well in the “Think Great” Category of the Competition by earning two championship awards : the Best Caption Award in the Senior Category and the Best Commentary Award in the Junior Category. Furthermore, eight of our Form 1 students earned Distinction Awards.
Ms Melaine Lee | Principal, Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)
Congratulations to your organization and do continue with the outstanding work in making the difference in taking English to a higher level in Hong Kong.
It was a delightful experience to see the student leaders helping to organise the whole event. I was also happy to find everybody being so enthusiastic whether they got a prize or not.
Ms Teresa Hau | Teacher, The HKTA Ching Chung Secondary School
It is a great joy of taking part in this meaningful event! Not only is it a great opportunity for students to unleash their creativity, it also provides students a platform of sharing their individual thoughts. Through all the work and preparation, students were found to grow closer by working together with their differences blossoming into understanding and friendship. They also learnt that heeding ideas and advice is of the essence of coming up with an amazing masterpiece.
Ms Laurene Ho | Teacher, Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
The Snapshot Competition provided a chance for our students to generate creative ideas. The competition was a golden opportunity for teachers to inspire our students to look at things from different perspectives and to encourage them to demonstrate their innovative ideas. Through the camera lens, contestants revealed social issues or unveiled a hidden world by capturing stunning images. Stories behind the photos moved people around and attracted them to glimpse the inner world of the contestants. Are pens mightier than the snapshots? Do great minds think alike? The commentaries alongside with catchy titles and captions truly reflected the contestants’ English proficiency. The Snapshot Competition took the participants forward to new horizons. The goal in taking part in the competition was not just to win great prizes but also to share previous knowledge and outlooks on life regarding love. Winners of the competition cherished the recognition from their counterparts and gained even greater confidence in themselves. Such experience will surely equip them with the courage to think positively and greatly in their future lives.
Mr Law Man Tak | Teacher, Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School
Life is exploration. We live to explore life and if we don’t, we leave ourselves lonely, unfilled and hollow. But if we pay a bit more attention to every trivial thing appearing in front of us, observe and think a bit more and try to capture their images and our thoughts in our note-books, our diaries or our photo albums, we will soon find life momentous, rich and meaningful. The Think Great Snapshot Competition was such an impressive idea and competition for today’s youngsters, who seldom look around and consider others’ interests. To make them considerate and responsible individuals, we certainly have the utmost responsibility to make them think great and act right.
Ms Renu Mudaly | Teacher, Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
The Think Series Competition, initiated by Wiseman Education, is a great opportunity to help our second language learners of English in Hong Kong to express themselves through their photos and in writing. It allows our learners to exercise their imagination and to be recognised for their creativity at various levels. May I take this opportunity to congratulate Wiseman Education and to express our gratitude to your organization for being so proactive in promoting English to another level in Hong Kong by investing in our students. It truly allows the students to “think positive” and to “think great”. Where there is a will, there is a way is a truism at our school. Despite the severely limited time constraints of merely two weeks and in the midst of preparing our students for their First Term Tests, I entered my Band Two students from Forms 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the “Think Great” Component of the Snapshot Competition. As a Native-Speaking English Teacher (NET), I collaborated with the local English teachers (LETS) during the language arts lessons and in my personal time to challenge our students to exercise their potential. While many sacrifices were made, I experienced immense job satisfaction in working alongside our educators and the teaching assistant with our students in us collectively encouraging them to think out of the box.
Minimal scaffolding was provided. Rather, a general frame of reference and how this is applied specifically with reference to practical examples and techniques were provided. It must be pointed out that the students comprising the teams are not our top students. Rather, they volunteered or were encouraged to participate. Team brainstorming sessions were facilitated to assist them in the process of submitting their efforts. The idea was to really get our students to think out of the box in taking photos to capture moments of love and what the essence of this meant to them. They were challenged when focusing on love to view something ordinary in an extraordinary way or to capture the extraordinary nature of love expressed in the ordinary.
It was most satisfying to see our students exercising their creative juices. It was also wonderful seeing them work together as a team. Their camaraderie was amazing. I continually emphasised that the process was more important than the product, especially when they felt very stressed at submitting their efforts. They have internalized that winning is not everything, but learning something in the process is more meaningful than any prize. It was therefore a bonus for us when our teams won (as was the case last year when we entered our entries per individual). From the teams entered, our senior team won the Best Caption Award while our Junior Team won the Best Commentary Award. Furthermore, eight of our Form 1 students earned Distinction Awards. However, we are proud of all our students since we consider them all to be winners in what they learnt through the process of taking photos as well as writing titles, captions and commentaries based on their photos.
The Award Ceremony was a fitting tribute to our students to see the products of all the participants of Hong Kong in motivating all students to strive to do their best – irrespective of whether they hailed from EMI or CMI schools. Also, the fact that such prestigious organizations from the diverse sectors were represented at the awards ceremony is so positive in our students practically being given the “VIP” treatment. I felt especially proud of my students when they were interviewed on an impromptu basis. Despite their being nervous and lacking confidence in their speaking abilities, they tried their best to answer all the questions accurately in English – a real accomplishment for our band two students!
I look forward to Wiseman’s Education next competition where our school hopes to enter our students in all three categories because we believe that our students must be afforded every available opportunity to excel optimally and the necessary investments must be made to ensure this.
Ms Kanyu Wong | Teacher, Elegantia College
During the writing process of the Think Positive Lyrics Competition, students had a great time trying to fit the right syllables into each line while maintaining the logic of the whole. They had an opportunity to exercise their poetic license and it’s been a rewarding experience for them. As for the Think Great Snapshot Competition, trying to be expressive through a photograph and using words to expand what is unspoken of, is again a new experience for the students. They have enjoyed it immensely and as a teacher, I, too, have a lot of fun guiding them through the process of creative writing.
Participating Schools (168 Schools)
- Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College
- Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
- Belilios Public School
- Bethel High School
- Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College
- Canadian International School
- Canossa College
- Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School
- Changsha No.1 Middle School
- Cheng Chek Chee Secondary School
- Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School
- Chinese International School
- Chinese YMCA Secondary School
- Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School
- Choi Hung Estate Catholic Secondary School
- Christ College
- Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College
- Christian Alliance S.C.Chan Memorial College
- CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School
- Cognitio College (Kowloon)
- Confucian Ho Kwok Pui Chun College
- Creative Secondary School
- CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
- Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
- Diocesan Boy’s School
- Diocesan Girls’ School
- DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
- ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School
- Elegantia College
- Fukien Secondary School (Siu Sai Wan)
- Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tong Secondary School
- Futian Middle School
- German Swiss International School
- Good Hope School
- Guangzhou No. 6 Middle School, China
- Heep Yunn School
- Heung To Middle School
- HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
- HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School
- HKSYCIA Wong Tai Shan Memorial College
- HKUGA College
- Ho Fung College
- Holy Trinity College
- Homantin Government Secondary School
- Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College
- Hong Kong College
- Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre
- Hong Kong Tang King Po College
- Hong Kong True Light College
- Immaculate Heart of Mary College
- Jockey Club Ti-I College
- Kiangsu – Chechiang College (Kwai Chung)
- King George V School
- King Ling College
- Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School
- Kwai Chung Methodist College
- Kwun Tong Government Secondary School
- Kwun Tong Maryknoll College
- La Salle College
- La Salle Primary School
- Lai Chack Middle School
- Law Ting Pong Secondary School
- Lee Kau Yan Memorial School
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College
- LST Wong Chung Ming Secondary School
- Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran College
- Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)
- Marymount Secondary School
- Melbourne Girls Grammar School
- Methodist College
- MFBM Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College
- Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School
- New Territories Heung Yee Kuk Tai Po District Secondary School
- Ning Po College
- Our Lady of the Rosary College
- PHC Wing Kwong College
- Po Kok Secondary School
- Po Leung Kuk Celine Ho Yam Tong College
- PLK 1984 College
- Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College
- Po Leung Kuk Ma Kam Ming College
- Po Leung Kuk Mrs Ma Kam Ming-Cheung Fook Sien College
- POCA Wong Siu Ching Secondary School
- Pope Paul VI College
- Pooi To Middle School
- Precious Blood Secondary School
- Pui Kiu College
- QualiEd College
- Queen’s College
- Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
- Raimondi College
- Roedean School, Brighton, U.K.
- Sacred Heart Canossian College
- Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School (Secondary Section)
- SALEM – Immanuel Lutheran College
- Sha Tin Government Secondary School
- Sha Tin Methodist College
- ShangBu Middle School Futian District ShenZhen
- Shangbu Middle School of Shenzhen city
- Shatin Methodist College
- Shatin Pui Ying College
- Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
- Shau Kei Wan Government School
- Shenzhen Foreign Languages School Branch
- Shenzhen Middle School
- Shenzhen Shang Bu Middle School
- Shenzhen Sungang Middle School
- Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School
- Shung Tak Catholic English Collage
- Sing Yin Secondary Schhol
- SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School
- SKH Kei Hau Secondary School
- SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School
- SKH Li Fook Hing Secondary School
- SKH Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
- SKH Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School
- S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School
- St. Cita Secondary School
- St. Clare’s Girls’ School
- St. Francis’ Cannosian College
- St. Francis Xavier’s College
- St Joan of Arc Secondary School
- St Joseph’s College
- St. Mark’s School
- St. Mary’s Canossian College
- St. Paul’s Convent School
- St. Paul’s School (Lam Tin)
- St. Paul’s Secondary School
- St. Rose of Lima’s College
- St. Stephen’s College
- St. Stephen’s Girls’ College
- St. Teresa Secondary School
- STFA Leung Kau Kui College
- STFA Seaward Woo College
- STFA Tam Pak Yu College
- Su Zhou Li Da School
- Sung Lan Middle School
- Suzhou High School
- Suzhou High School of Jiangsu Province
- Suzhou Lida School, China
- SZ School
- Tak Sun Secondary School
- The Hong Kong Taoist Association Ching Chung Secondary School
- The Methodist Lee Wai Lee College
- The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad College
- The True Light Middle School of Hong Kong
- True Light Girls’ College
- Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School
- Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School
- Tuen Mun Government Secondary School
- Tung Chung Catholic School
- TWGHs Kap Yan Directors’ College
- TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College
- TWGHs Mr & Mrs Kwong Sik Kwan College
- TWGHs Mrs Fung Wong Fung Ting College
- Valtorta College
- Wa Ying College
- Wah Yan College Kowloon
- Xinghai Experimental Middle School
- Yan Chai Hospital No. 2 Secondary School
- Yan Chai Hospital Tung Chi Ying Memorial Secondary School
- Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School
- Yew Chung International School (Hong Kong)
- Ying Wa College
- Ying Wa Girls’ School
- YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College
- Yuen Long Public Secondary School
Last updated: 25 April 2013
Best Photo Awards (最佳相片獎)
To the photo that most presents and is most effective in raising awareness of the theme “love”.
Section | Snapshot | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | ![]() | Mother’s Love | Wong Yuen Sze Chrystelle Ling | The True Light Middle School of Hong Kong |
Senior | ![]() | Love of the Life | Cindy Chan Irvandip Kaur | St. Paul’s Convent School |
Best Title Awards (最佳標題獎)
To the title that best illustrates and raises interest on the central point of the theme “love”.
Section | Snapshot | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | ![]() | Wheels of Love | Dorcas Chak Chan Yuen Tung Chung Wing Huen Tse Hoi Kiu Gabrielle | Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School |
Senior | ![]() | The City of Love | David Lau Kelvin Chan Patrick Ng | Shung Tak Catholic English College |
Senior | ![]() | Soft Paper.Hard Work | Sun Yee Sa Wong Wai Kwan | Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School |
Best Caption Awards (最佳相片說明獎)
To the caption which best showcases the idea behind the photo concisely.
Section | Snapshot | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | ![]() | Love for the “Troublemakers” | Yoyo Poon Chloe Cheung Yan Fong | Shung Tak Catholic English College |
Senior | ![]() | A Cockroach Existence! | Chan Wai Kit Hon Pui Yi | Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School |
Best Commentary Awards (最佳評論獎)
To the commentary that most relevantly presents insightful views on the theme “love”.
Section | Snapshot | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | ![]() | The Clover Star of Friendship | Ngai Wing Ki Li San Yui Ma Suet Ting Ng Hoi Shan | Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School |
Senior | ![]() | Love of Country | Joyce Yip Delphica Chan | St. Paul’s Convent School |
Think Great Awards (Think Great大獎)
To the entries that best inspire the audience to think beyond limits – to “Think Great”.
Section | Snapshot | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | ![]() | Love Is Precious | Laura Chow Angela Leung | Shung Tak Catholic English College |
Senior | ![]() | Nature at Its Best | Lau Chun Hei Ku Di Man Ma Ka Him Yeung Hei Wing | Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College |
Best Presentation Award
Section | Snapshot | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | ![]() | Aged P’love’rty | Ma Sze Chai Jackie Lo | Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School |
Senior | ![]() | Love of escapism | Fanny Chan Karine Lee | St. Paul’s Convent School |
High Distinction Award – Primary Division
Section | Snapshot | Title | Team Members | School |
Primary | ![]() | Love the elderly | Damian Tang Clement Ku Jonathan Kwok | La Salle Primary School |
Primary | ![]() | Love | Hanniel Chow Bryan Chan Samuel Kong | Pui Kiu College |
Highlights of THiNKGre@t Snapshot Competition 2009
- Over 1,600 students
- Over 400 teams / entries
- Schools from Hong Kong and Suzhou
THiNKGre@t攝影及英文寫作大賽 2009
- 過1,600 名參賽同學
- 過400份參賽作品
- 自香港、蘇州等參賽學校
Award & Criteria
Best Photo Awards
These awards go to photos that best showcase some / most of the following main features:
- Photos showing greatest relevance to the chosen topic
- Photos presenting the content from the most interesting and meaningful angle / perspective
- Most effective use of focus to heighten the message
- e.g. high vs. low resolution, foreground vs. background focus
- Most effective use of lighting to bring out the intended message / mood, etc
- Overall, photos showing the most original / creative thinking in presenting the subject matter
- Overall, photo(s) that are the most visually effective in raising interest / awareness of the subject matter
Best Title Awards
These awards go to commentaries that best showcase some / most of the following main features:
- Titles that best arouse interest in the subject matter
- Titles that best excite enquiry and critical thinking of the subject matter
- Titles that best sum up the central point of the subject matter
Best Caption Awards
These awards go to photo captions that best showcase some / most of the following main features:
- Captions that most powerfully or persuasively communicate the point of the photo
- Captions that most concisely describe or explain the photo, with the recommended length not exceeding 30 words approximately
Best Commentary Awards
These awards go to commentaries that best showcase some / most of the following main features:
- Most relevant, informed, and cogent commentaries on the subject matter
- e.g. use of thought-provoking reflections/ examples/ exposition/ argumentation
- Commentaries expressing most insightful / original views on the chosen theme
- Language used most persuasively / effectively to communicate the message
ThinkSeries Snapshot Awards
These awards go to entries that are most inspiring.

ThinkSeries Video Competition provides a platform for our next generation to demonstrate their
- global perspectives on how to make the world a better place
- innovative ideas in art, music, sport, language, science and technology
- commitment to our society, the environment, and the world
YouTube Channel
Check out our ThinkSeries Video Competition YouTube Channel
THiNKAga!n 2009 FinaleInvolving nearly 200 teams from 1,200 secondary students in Hong Kong and the Mainland, the THiNKAga!n Documentary Making Competition 2009 proved a huge success yet again. It was a brilliant milestone not only for the awardees but also for ALL the contestants, teachers, principals, as well as the 20 Student Leaders who played an outstanding role in running the THiNKSeries Award Ceremony. This event is co-run by the National Geographic Channel, the Education Bureau and Wiseman Education. Do look out for further details at our website, and we look forward to high-calibre entries from you all! And a fulfilling year ahead to each and everyone of you! |
Sharing of GuestsMr David Glasscock | Director, Wiseman Education Proud, thrilled, happiness. These are but some of the emotions I felt from the success of the programme. Both the organisation of the event by the students and the entries themselves deserve the most heartwarming thanks and appreciation for their efforts and success. You have set a high bar for the next year to surpass.
Mr Philip Kitcher | Senior Vice President, Programming and Broadcasting, National Geographic Channel Asia The Think Again initiative continues to build on its role as a prominent showcase of the enormous creativity of emerging young talent in the region. The energy, enthusiasm and passion for communicating innovative ideas to a wider audience on film is impressive, and clearly wouldn’t be possible without the support of so many teachers, students, schools and organizations – credit to all involved.
Mr Godfrey Law | Vice-Chairman, Hong Kong Parents’ Association The competition is so meaningful as it provides a platform for the youngsters to demonstrate their talents and that can best explain why over-whelming responses were received. Collected entries are in good quality and proved that the participants had put a lot of efforts on them. Hope you all could keep it up and grab every single chance to show-off your talent!
Ms Sharon-May McCrostie | Trade Commissioner, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise New Zealand Trade and Enterprise is proud to be part of Think Series. The New Zealand New Thinking Student Leaders have excelled themselves in demonstrating leadership skills and maturity beyond their years – we congratulate all the leaders for their outstanding performance and in particular, the 12 students who have been selected to visit New Zealand as New Zealand New Thinking Student Ambassadors. The Think Series is a wonderful vehicle for students to harness their creative energy to inspire and move us – the entries in the Think Again Awards achieved this and more. Congratulations to all involved.
Ms Teresa Kwong | Director, Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards (ifva) I’m deeply impressed by the THiNK series event. It is run for and by the students. I can feel their enthusiasm and energy when attending the award ceremony few weeks ago. I look forward to the next THiNK series!
Dr Anson Yang | Principal, King Ling College Learning should take place both inside and outside of the classroom. Thing Again Awards provide a platform for students to apply their knowledge learned at school, and share it with peers in others. I am honored to have been a judge, and I am glad that my students took their learning seriously. Their thoughtful ideas outgrow knowledge learned at school. |
Sharing of StudentsThis competition not only lets us learn some skills of filmmaking, but also inspires us to think about “Love”, the world that we are living in and the people around us. As our study life is always busy and filled with pressure, this competition provides us with a good opportunity to try something different and joyful. Thanks to Wiseman Education, our school teachers Miss Warton, Miss Lam, Miss Chow and our advisor Mr. Richard Wong. Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College |
Participating Schools (168 Schools)
- Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College
- Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
- Belilios Public School
- Bethel High School
- Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College
- Canadian International School
- Canossa College
- Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School
- Changsha No.1 Middle School
- Cheng Chek Chee Secondary School
- Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School
- Chinese International School
- Chinese YMCA Secondary School
- Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School
- Choi Hung Estate Catholic Secondary School
- Christ College
- Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College
- Christian Alliance S.C.Chan Memorial College
- CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School
- Cognitio College (Kowloon)
- Confucian Ho Kwok Pui Chun College
- Creative Secondary School
- CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
- Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
- Diocesan Boy’s School
- Diocesan Girls’ School
- DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
- ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School
- Elegantia College
- Fukien Secondary School (Siu Sai Wan)
- Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tong Secondary School
- Futian Middle School
- German Swiss International School
- Good Hope School
- Guangzhou No. 6 Middle School, China
- Heep Yunn School
- Heung To Middle School
- HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
- HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School
- HKSYCIA Wong Tai Shan Memorial College
- HKUGA College
- Ho Fung College
- Holy Trinity College
- Homantin Government Secondary School
- Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College
- Hong Kong College
- Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre
- Hong Kong Tang King Po College
- Hong Kong True Light College
- Immaculate Heart of Mary College
- Jockey Club Ti-I College
- Kiangsu – Chechiang College (Kwai Chung)
- King George V School
- King Ling College
- Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School
- Kwai Chung Methodist College
- Kwun Tong Government Secondary School
- Kwun Tong Maryknoll College
- La Salle College
- La Salle Primary School
- Lai Chack Middle School
- Law Ting Pong Secondary School
- Lee Kau Yan Memorial School
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College
- LST Wong Chung Ming Secondary School
- Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran College
- Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)
- Marymount Secondary School
- Melbourne Girls Grammar School
- Methodist College
- MFBM Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College
- Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School
- New Territories Heung Yee Kuk Tai Po District Secondary School
- Ning Po College
- Our Lady of the Rosary College
- PHC Wing Kwong College
- Po Kok Secondary School
- Po Leung Kuk Celine Ho Yam Tong College
- PLK 1984 College
- Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College
- Po Leung Kuk Ma Kam Ming College
- Po Leung Kuk Mrs Ma Kam Ming-Cheung Fook Sien College
- POCA Wong Siu Ching Secondary School
- Pope Paul VI College
- Pooi To Middle School
- Precious Blood Secondary School
- Pui Kiu College
- QualiEd College
- Queen’s College
- Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
- Raimondi College
- Roedean School, Brighton, U.K.
- Sacred Heart Canossian College
- Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School (Secondary Section)
- SALEM – Immanuel Lutheran College
- Sha Tin Government Secondary School
- Sha Tin Methodist College
- ShangBu Middle School Futian District ShenZhen
- Shangbu Middle School of Shenzhen city
- Shatin Methodist College
- Shatin Pui Ying College
- Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
- Shau Kei Wan Government School
- Shenzhen Foreign Languages School Branch
- Shenzhen Middle School
- Shenzhen Shang Bu Middle School
- Shenzhen Sungang Middle School
- Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School
- Shung Tak Catholic English Collage
- Sing Yin Secondary Schhol
- SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School
- SKH Kei Hau Secondary School
- SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School
- SKH Li Fook Hing Secondary School
- SKH Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
- SKH Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School
- S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School
- St. Cita Secondary School
- St. Clare’s Girls’ School
- St. Francis’ Cannosian College
- St. Francis Xavier’s College
- St Joan of Arc Secondary School
- St Joseph’s College
- St. Mark’s School
- St. Mary’s Canossian College
- St. Paul’s Convent School
- St. Paul’s School (Lam Tin)
- St. Paul’s Secondary School
- St. Rose of Lima’s College
- St. Stephen’s College
- St. Stephen’s Girls’ College
- St. Teresa Secondary School
- STFA Leung Kau Kui College
- STFA Seaward Woo College
- STFA Tam Pak Yu College
- Su Zhou Li Da School
- Sung Lan Middle School
- Suzhou High School
- Suzhou High School of Jiangsu Province
- Suzhou Lida School, China
- SZ School
- Tak Sun Secondary School
- The Hong Kong Taoist Association Ching Chung Secondary School
- The Methodist Lee Wai Lee College
- The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad College
- The True Light Middle School of Hong Kong
- True Light Girls’ College
- Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School
- Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School
- Tuen Mun Government Secondary School
- Tung Chung Catholic School
- TWGHs Kap Yan Directors’ College
- TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College
- TWGHs Mr & Mrs Kwong Sik Kwan College
- TWGHs Mrs Fung Wong Fung Ting College
- Valtorta College
- Wa Ying College
- Wah Yan College Kowloon
- Xinghai Experimental Middle School
- Yan Chai Hospital No. 2 Secondary School
- Yan Chai Hospital Tung Chi Ying Memorial Secondary School
- Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School
- Yew Chung International School (Hong Kong)
- Ying Wa College
- Ying Wa Girls’ School
- YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College
- Yuen Long Public Secondary School
Last updated: 25 April 2013
Best Editing Award – Junior section
School | King Ling College |
Documentary Title | Love of Food |
Team Members | Tsang Wing Yi, Ho Chun Kit |
Hon Cheuk Hang, Lui Chi Chung | |
Wu Ka Yan, Yuen Hei Tung | |
| |
Comments: We love food when we want food. This is a good topic to be discussed and revisited. Good thinking. –Dr Ruth MH Wong |
Best Editing Award – Senior section
School | La Salle College |
Documentary Title | His Special Story |
Team Members | Linus Lee, Wesley Kwan |
| |
Comments: Great footage, good editing, and a good understanding of how to use interviews to build a story. Music mix is done correctly. Well done! –Mr Burman Lam |
Best Music Award – Junior section
School | Good Hope School |
Documentary Title | Shining World – we make and live our world with love |
Team Members | Saidal Chan, Amanda Cheng |
| |
Comments: This is a beautiful video with great visual effects and beautiful music. You have demonstrated great videotaping and editing skills. You have chosen a great theme: love. You have captured nice details in life to express the major theme of love. Well done! –Prof Adam Lui |
Best Music Award – Senior section
School | Sung Lan Middle School |
Documentary Title | Mysterious Love |
Team Members | Ng Man Ho, Cheung Kwan Hung |
Choi Siu Hung, Hung Kwun Nam | |
Lam Tsz Kon | |
| |
Comments: You treat a complex and contentious topic with a lot of respect and care, and your varied techniques – from creative uses of angles, video speed/direction, color – help the impact of your message. Rather than telling your audience what to think, you help them question their own beliefs by presenting data, the beliefs of others in the form of interviews, and your own personal interpretations. All in all, a really great job. –Ms Laura Cozijnsen |
Best Script Award – Junior section
School | Diocesan Boys’ School |
Documentary Title | The Voiceless |
Team Members | Brian Ng Wing Kui, Solomon Au Yeung Hok Him |
Gordon Chu Kwok Ho, Kelvin Lau Kwan Ho | |
Matthew Lung Chi Yeung, Bart Wong Chun Yip | |
| |
Comments: Well done! I was incredibly entertained by this documentary and impressed with your technical presentation. This was a smart and strong subject to comment upon and I think you portrayed the plight of abandoned animals quite brilliantly. Kudos! –Mr Faizul Jais |
Best Script Award – Senior section
School | Canadian International School of Hong Kong |
Documentary Title | Affinity |
Team Members | Wayne Wong, Sally Ho |
Patience Lee, Dominic Soong | |
Margaret To | |
| |
Comments: Great Narration, Informative and fantastic interviews Good work! –Mr Burman Lam |
Best Script Award – Senior section
School | St. Paul’s Convent School |
Documentary Title | Fast Food Maniac…blindness love? |
Team Members | Karmen Leung, Cherry Chan |
JC Ho, Elise Lau | |
Ann Leung | |
| |
Comments: “The direction and editing of this film is absolutely sublime. The pacing is spot on, and the music works really well as a complement to the overall mood and feel of the piece. The narrator has a clear voice with good English, although there are some parts that might need extra practice. A small thing to look out for: Camera work – Consider using a tripod (or find something to stabilize the camera with) to eliminate shaky shots, especially during the interviews. “ –Mr Otto Cheung |
Best Directing Award – Junior section
School | Shatin Methodist College |
Documentary Title | Present love‧love presents? |
Team Members | Edith Lau Chung Ying, Imfeld Chantal Chi Ching |
Robyn Kam Hoi Hei, Harriet Lai Kai Heng | |
Priscilla Tsang Pik Kwan | |
Comments: Great use of multiple techniques to get your point across. The live narration creates a good foundation, and the interviews and reenactments help support your work. For your next project, you might consider questions like these: why do people believe what they believe? What does it take to change your mind? When was a time that you changed your mind about something, and why did it happen? I look forward to your next persuasive documentary! –Mr Nathan Johnston | |
Best Directing Award – Junior section
School | Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College |
Documentary Title | The Outsider |
Team Members | Lee Ka Wai, Li Kit Han |
| |
Comments: Amazing, amazing work. In my opinion, this is what documentaries have the potential to be… at once revelatory for the audience, but also deeply honest and reflective for the flimmaker herself. You show great depth and awareness here, opening up the complexities of the topic (and your role in documenting it) rather than smoothing things over with easy platitudes. Thank you for your contribution. Great work. –Mr Nathan Johnston |
Best Documentary Award – Junior section
School | Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College |
Documentary Title | Love of pets |
Team Members | Ko Chun Ting, Sin Siu Ying |
Yin Sin Ying | |
Comments: I liked the use of music in this documentary. The music went well with the pictures of the dog playing. I also liked the variety in the documentary – the interview, photos of the dog and footage of the dog playing. Congratulations for creating a lovely documentary. –Mr Bill McQueen |
Best Documentary Award – Senior section
School | Immanuel Lutheran College |
Documentary Title | For the Love of Our Planet |
Team Members | Ip Chun Lim, Leonard Chik Hik Kit |
Andrew Kwok Ka Ming, Henry Pang Chun Wai | |
So Cheuk Shing, Kel Wong King Yim | |
Comments: Very professionally done. Excellent in all aspects; impressive opening sequence and very compelling story telling! –Ms Tynvie Chow |
Best Narrator Award – Senior section
School | Good Hope School |
Documentary Title | Love against Discrimination |
Team Members | Christy Wong, Eugenia Loo |
Bowie Wong, Kannie Wong | |
Comments: Great concept and execution! You bring fresh attention to an important issue with your creative approach. It’s difficult to help people think more deeply about discrimination, and you do a great job. To make it even more compelling, consider going deeper into the storytelling, working on your visual approach (through angles, color, pacing, and so on), and by tightening up the sound. All in all, great job! –Mr Nathan Johnston |
Best Narrator Award – Senior section
School | Immaculate Heart of Mary College |
Documentary Title | Love for Eternity |
Team Members | Ryan Lau, CT Chan, |
Onki Law, Grace Lee | |
Ian Wong, Thomas Yeung | |
Comments: You chose a unique angle to demonstrate love. The deaf and other disabled people are a disadvantaged group which needs more attention, care and love from society. Your video helped increase the awareness in our society to love and care for those in need. We can feel so much love from this family. It’s very touching.The music is very beautiful and moving. Your cinematography and editing skills are great.Well done! –Dr Qin Jiang |
Most Creative Award – Junior section
School | Suzhou Lida School |
Documentary Title | A Bear’s Choice |
Team Members | Chen Ruohan Cai Jielv |
Rang Qiongwei Wei Yifan | |
Comments: Great work! Your video combines a strong script with a good visual style, use of graphics, interviews, subtitling, and more. If anything, I wish you had gone deeper in the interviews to reveal the nature of the ‘love’ you were investigating. For example, how does the father deal with the ‘problems’ his son has? It’s easy to say that we love each other, but what does that really mean? Are there limits? Great job! –Ms Melissa Crawford |
Most Creative Award – Junior section
School | St. Rose of Lima’s College |
Documentary Title | Love and Hope TV Programme |
Team Members | Psyche Chan, Natalie Lai |
Candy Leung, Alice So, Ann Wong | |
Ann Wong | |
Comments: The basic structure of the film is very firm, and good camera work on presenting the vocal subject. Very creative on crediting the crew. Nice work overall! –Mr Henry Doo |
Most Creative Award – Senior section
School | TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College |
Documentary Title | What is LOVE? |
Team Members | Choi Yun Lun Ezra, Cheng Tsz Yan |
Kwok Yiu Sing, Lung Ka Ming | |
Miu Cheuk Ling, Tong Carmen | |
Comments: Well thought out and directed. The use of statistics was very interesting. There could have been a little less acting and more facts and insight. Still they have done a very entertaining piece. –Mr Bill McQueen |
Most Entertaining Award – Junior section
School | Heep Yunn School |
Documentary Title | Earth Saving Team |
Team Members | Yoyo Jao, Joey Cheng |
Jacqueline Chui, Alissa Ng | |
Nikki Sung, Jody Yu | |
Comments: A thorough and well-researched documentary presented in a lively and accessible manner. –Prof Lusina Ho |
Most Entertaining Award – Senior section
School | German Swiss International School |
Documentary Title | Love: An Exploitation |
Team Members | Lia Tung, Greta Renton |
Comments: I thought this piece was very entertaining. People would think that the subject was so common yet through your meticulous facts and figures, this succeeds as a documentary – I was surprised to find how blatantly the media twists the concept of love to the public. –Mr Faizul Jais |
YouTube Most Viewed Award 2nd-Runner-Up – Junior section
School | Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School |
Documentary Title | Hidden Heart |
Team Members | Liu Ching Yi, Cheung Yuen Ming |
Lai Ying Kit, Leung Hoi Kit | |
Tsoi Yik Ping | |
Comments: Although I am not sure about the appropriateness of potential violence in the project, even in dramatization, I do appreciate how it may truly reflect reality. Family problems do come up when a member abuses his role in the family. I also appreciate the notice given towards the end of the clip, something for viewers to think about. –Dr Ruth MH Wong |
YouTube Most Viewed Award 2nd-Runner-Up – Senior section
School | Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College |
Documentary Title | The Outsider |
Team Members | Lee Ka Wai, Li Kit Han |
Comments: Amazing, amazing work. In my opinion, this is what documentaries have the potential to be… at once revelatory for the audience, but also deeply honest and reflective for the flimmaker herself. You show great depth and awareness here, opening up the complexities of the topic (and your role in documenting it) rather than smoothing things over with easy platitudes. Thank you for your contribution. Great work. –Mr Nathan Johnston |
YouTube Most Viewed Award 1st-Runner-Up – Junior section
School | Diocesan Boys’ School |
Documentary Title | Story of Our Tuck Shop |
Team Members | Pang Tin Yui, Chan Chun Man |
Chan Ka Chun, Lau Kwan Ho | |
Alvin Li Sheung Yin, Martin Wong Wai Ching | |
Comments: I like the guerilla feel of this. Secret cameras and a topic they are very passionate about. Good storytelling and great use of graphics. –Ms Melissa Crawford |
YouTube Most Viewed Award 1st-Runner-Up – Senior section
School | Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) |
Documentary Title | Love-Luv-Me : Love is in the Air |
Team Members | Jennifer Loh, Olivia Cheng |
Dekki Lai, Janet Law | |
Amanda So, Clarice Tam | |
Comments: Nice camera work and editing but some more storytelling is required. I think it started off great but then got a little lost. The shooting was very, very good. –Prof Adam Lui |
YouTube Most Viewed Award Champion – Junior section
School | Shatin Methodist College |
Documentary Title | Puppy Love |
Team Members | Serena Au Wing Man, Nicole Chan Ho Ching |
Chan Hok Hin, Joyce Li Lok Sum | |
Kathy So Hiu Nam, Melody Yim Fai Kiu | |
Comments: Puppy love is a curiosity for teenage, I won’t say its wrong…but have to control it. And share the view with your parents. –Mr Godfrey Law |
YouTube Most Viewed Award Champion – Senior section
School | Immanuel Lutheran College |
Documentary Title | For the Love of Our Planet |
Team Members | Ip Chun Lim, Leonard Chik Hik Kit |
Andrew Kwok Ka Ming, Henry Pang Chun Wai | |
So Cheuk Shing, Kel Wong King Yim | |
Comments: Very professionally done. Excellent in all aspects; impressive opening sequence and very compelling story telling! –Ms Tynvie Chow |
Think Again Award – Junior section
School | Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School |
Documentary Title | Love to the Elderly |
Team Members | Chow Man Angel, Lai Man Ting |
Se-To Wang Chun, Yeung Chin Kit | |
Comments: This is a very thoughtful video that brings attention to such an important issue. While parts of the video come across a bit like an essay, the interviews and activities with the elders give your audience access to a world that we all need to think about. In the future, you could consider finding a way to capture the attitudes and opinions of the youth in Hong Kong, whether through interviews, reenactments, or other creative techniques. –Mr Nathan Johnston |
Think Again Award – Senior section
School | Canadian International School of Hong Kong |
Documentary Title | Home of Love |
Team Members | Sarah Cheng, Fargo Balliett |
Samuel Chan, Gavin Ko | |
Vincent Wong | |
Comments: Was this made by National Geographic Channel? This a true documentary–despite the tough subject it was treated with respect. The graphics are nice and simple- the music perfect and the interviews clear and easy to hear. This is one of the best we have ever seen in the competition. –Mr Bill McQueen |
Awards & Criteria
Best Directing Award
The video that shows outstanding direction and breathes fresh life and meaning to the story.
Best Video Award
The video that best shows the use of script writing, cinematography, and storytelling in a compelling manner.
Best Editing Award
The video that shows most outstanding editing ability, thus enhancing the mood of a story, and making the story progress at an optimal pace.
Best Music Award
The video that captures its message or touches viewers using the most aesthetically appropriate music.
Best Narrator Award
The video that shows exceptional narration.
Notably, clear diction, inflection, and tone will be appraised.
Best Script Award
The script that best underpins the story/ thesis/ mood of the video.
Most Creative Award
The video that presents the story in the most creative and effective light.
Most Entertaining Award
The video that excites interest because of its entertainment value.
YouTube Most Viewed Award
The top 3 videos with the highest viewed number on YouTube.
View number cut-off time: 18 Mar 2011(Fri), 17:00
ThinkSeries Video Award
The video that most effectively inspires the audience.

ThinkSeries Lyrics Competition provides a platform for our next generation to demonstrate their
- global perspectives on how to make the world a better place
- innovative ideas in art, music, sport, language, science and technology
- commitment to our society, the environment, and the world
THiNKGre@t and THiNKPosi+ive 2009 Finale
TH?NKPosi+ive and TH?NKGre@t Awards Ceremony proved a great success. We are very pleased with the enthusiastic response from students, teachers and principals, as shown in the quality and quantity of entries, involving over 2,000 students from Hong Kong.
We would like to express our gratitude to all guests, principals, teachers, students, and parents for the immeasurable support and encouragement given to the
TH?NKPosi+ive Lyrics and TH?NKGre@t Snapshot Competition 2009. Your presence meant a lot to us.
Sharing of Guests
Ms Theresa Cunanan | Lecturer, College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
Congratulations again to all students who won, and to your coaches and mentors. I hope all participants will keep this meaningful project alive by taking part every year. We can all capture moments of life in words and pictures – moving and stills – making transcience mean something to us.
Mr Lai Tsang Hing | Chairman, Hong Kong Parents’s Association
Some of those entries impressed me very much and let me understand what you (students) are thinking . I appreciated very much about your serious production. Whatever you win any award or not, at least you had gained a lot of experience. Keep up this working attitude, you will have a Bright Future.
Mr Michael Tsang | Head of Treasury, Asia, Thomson Reuters
“People say you can learn a lot from your elders. Equally if not more, we learn so much from our younger generation. I am heartened to see in this year’s entries the almost endless level of commitment, enthusiasm, creativity and high standard of English expressed. The world may be changing, but it is still love at the core that makes the world go round.”
Sharing of Principals & Teachers
Mr Wong Chi Kwan | Principal, Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
I am most impressed by the exemplary manner in which it is conducted. I am especially happy that all our students in Hong Kong received the recognition they deserve, although they all faced stiff competition in this process.
I believe that the process of learning English is as important as the products produced. I am therefore pleased that the students had the opportunity in the lyric component to showcase their talents. Personally, I am especially happy that the students from our school performed exceptionally well in the “Think Great” Category of the Competition by earning two championship awards : the Best Caption Award in the Senior Category and the Best Commentary Award in the Junior Category. Furthermore, eight of our Form 1 students earned Distinction Awards.
Ms Melaine Lee | Principal, Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)
Congratulations to your organization and do continue with the outstanding work in making the difference in taking English to a higher level in Hong Kong.
It was a delightful experience to see the student leaders helping to organise the whole event. I was also happy to find everybody being so enthusiastic whether they got a prize or not.
Ms Teresa Hau | Teacher, The HKTA Ching Chung Secondary School
It is a great joy of taking part in this meaningful event! Not only is it a great opportunity for students to unleash their creativity, it also provides students a platform of sharing their individual thoughts. Through all the work and preparation, students were found to grow closer by working together with their differences blossoming into understanding and friendship. They also learnt that heeding ideas and advice is of the essence of coming up with an amazing masterpiece.
Ms Laurene Ho | Teacher, Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
The Snapshot Competition provided a chance for our students to generate creative ideas. The competition was a golden opportunity for teachers to inspire our students to look at things from different perspectives and to encourage them to demonstrate their innovative ideas. Through the camera lens, contestants revealed social issues or unveiled a hidden world by capturing stunning images. Stories behind the photos moved people around and attracted them to glimpse the inner world of the contestants. Are pens mightier than the snapshots? Do great minds think alike? The commentaries alongside with catchy titles and captions truly reflected the contestants’ English proficiency. The Snapshot Competition took the participants forward to new horizons. The goal in taking part in the competition was not just to win great prizes but also to share previous knowledge and outlooks on life regarding love. Winners of the competition cherished the recognition from their counterparts and gained even greater confidence in themselves. Such experience will surely equip them with the courage to think positively and greatly in their future lives.
Mr Law Man Tak | Teacher, Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School
Life is exploration. We live to explore life and if we don’t, we leave ourselves lonely, unfilled and hollow. But if we pay a bit more attention to every trivial thing appearing in front of us, observe and think a bit more and try to capture their images and our thoughts in our note-books, our diaries or our photo albums, we will soon find life momentous, rich and meaningful. The Think Great Snapshot Competition was such an impressive idea and competition for today’s youngsters, who seldom look around and consider others’ interests. To make them considerate and responsible individuals, we certainly have the utmost responsibility to make them think great and act right.
Ms Renu Mudaly | Teacher, Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
The Think Series Competition, initiated by Wiseman Education, is a great opportunity to help our second language learners of English in Hong Kong to express themselves through their photos and in writing. It allows our learners to exercise their imagination and to be recognised for their creativity at various levels. May I take this opportunity to congratulate Wiseman Education and to express our gratitude to your organization for being so proactive in promoting English to another level in Hong Kong by investing in our students. It truly allows the students to “think positive” and to “think great”. Where there is a will, there is a way is a truism at our school. Despite the severely limited time constraints of merely two weeks and in the midst of preparing our students for their First Term Tests, I entered my Band Two students from Forms 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the “Think Great” Component of the Snapshot Competition. As a Native-Speaking English Teacher (NET), I collaborated with the local English teachers (LETS) during the language arts lessons and in my personal time to challenge our students to exercise their potential. While many sacrifices were made, I experienced immense job satisfaction in working alongside our educators and the teaching assistant with our students in us collectively encouraging them to think out of the box.
Minimal scaffolding was provided. Rather, a general frame of reference and how this is applied specifically with reference to practical examples and techniques were provided. It must be pointed out that the students comprising the teams are not our top students. Rather, they volunteered or were encouraged to participate. Team brainstorming sessions were facilitated to assist them in the process of submitting their efforts. The idea was to really get our students to think out of the box in taking photos to capture moments of love and what the essence of this meant to them. They were challenged when focusing on love to view something ordinary in an extraordinary way or to capture the extraordinary nature of love expressed in the ordinary.
It was most satisfying to see our students exercising their creative juices. It was also wonderful seeing them work together as a team. Their camaraderie was amazing. I continually emphasised that the process was more important than the product, especially when they felt very stressed at submitting their efforts. They have internalized that winning is not everything, but learning something in the process is more meaningful than any prize. It was therefore a bonus for us when our teams won (as was the case last year when we entered our entries per individual). From the teams entered, our senior team won the Best Caption Award while our Junior Team won the Best Commentary Award. Furthermore, eight of our Form 1 students earned Distinction Awards. However, we are proud of all our students since we consider them all to be winners in what they learnt through the process of taking photos as well as writing titles, captions and commentaries based on their photos.
The Award Ceremony was a fitting tribute to our students to see the products of all the participants of Hong Kong in motivating all students to strive to do their best – irrespective of whether they hailed from EMI or CMI schools. Also, the fact that such prestigious organizations from the diverse sectors were represented at the awards ceremony is so positive in our students practically being given the “VIP” treatment. I felt especially proud of my students when they were interviewed on an impromptu basis. Despite their being nervous and lacking confidence in their speaking abilities, they tried their best to answer all the questions accurately in English – a real accomplishment for our band two students!
I look forward to Wiseman’s Education next competition where our school hopes to enter our students in all three categories because we believe that our students must be afforded every available opportunity to excel optimally and the necessary investments must be made to ensure this.
Ms Kanyu Wong | Teacher, Elegantia College
During the writing process of the Think Positive Lyrics Competition, students had a great time trying to fit the right syllables into each line while maintaining the logic of the whole. They had an opportunity to exercise their poetic license and it’s been a rewarding experience for them. As for the Think Great Snapshot Competition, trying to be expressive through a photograph and using words to expand what is unspoken of, is again a new experience for the students. They have enjoyed it immensely and as a teacher, I, too, have a lot of fun guiding them through the process of creative writing.
Participating Schools (168 Schools)
- Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College
- Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
- Belilios Public School
- Bethel High School
- Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College
- Canadian International School
- Canossa College
- Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School
- Changsha No.1 Middle School
- Cheng Chek Chee Secondary School
- Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School
- Chinese International School
- Chinese YMCA Secondary School
- Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School
- Choi Hung Estate Catholic Secondary School
- Christ College
- Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College
- Christian Alliance S.C.Chan Memorial College
- CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School
- Cognitio College (Kowloon)
- Confucian Ho Kwok Pui Chun College
- Creative Secondary School
- CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
- Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
- Diocesan Boy’s School
- Diocesan Girls’ School
- DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
- ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School
- Elegantia College
- Fukien Secondary School (Siu Sai Wan)
- Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tong Secondary School
- Futian Middle School
- German Swiss International School
- Good Hope School
- Guangzhou No. 6 Middle School, China
- Heep Yunn School
- Heung To Middle School
- HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
- HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School
- HKSYCIA Wong Tai Shan Memorial College
- HKUGA College
- Ho Fung College
- Holy Trinity College
- Homantin Government Secondary School
- Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College
- Hong Kong College
- Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre
- Hong Kong Tang King Po College
- Hong Kong True Light College
- Immaculate Heart of Mary College
- Jockey Club Ti-I College
- Kiangsu – Chechiang College (Kwai Chung)
- King George V School
- King Ling College
- Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School
- Kwai Chung Methodist College
- Kwun Tong Government Secondary School
- Kwun Tong Maryknoll College
- La Salle College
- La Salle Primary School
- Lai Chack Middle School
- Law Ting Pong Secondary School
- Lee Kau Yan Memorial School
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College
- LST Wong Chung Ming Secondary School
- Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran College
- Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)
- Marymount Secondary School
- Melbourne Girls Grammar School
- Methodist College
- MFBM Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College
- Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School
- New Territories Heung Yee Kuk Tai Po District Secondary School
- Ning Po College
- Our Lady of the Rosary College
- PHC Wing Kwong College
- Po Kok Secondary School
- Po Leung Kuk Celine Ho Yam Tong College
- PLK 1984 College
- Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College
- Po Leung Kuk Ma Kam Ming College
- Po Leung Kuk Mrs Ma Kam Ming-Cheung Fook Sien College
- POCA Wong Siu Ching Secondary School
- Pope Paul VI College
- Pooi To Middle School
- Precious Blood Secondary School
- Pui Kiu College
- QualiEd College
- Queen’s College
- Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
- Raimondi College
- Roedean School, Brighton, U.K.
- Sacred Heart Canossian College
- Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School (Secondary Section)
- SALEM – Immanuel Lutheran College
- Sha Tin Government Secondary School
- Sha Tin Methodist College
- ShangBu Middle School Futian District ShenZhen
- Shangbu Middle School of Shenzhen city
- Shatin Methodist College
- Shatin Pui Ying College
- Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
- Shau Kei Wan Government School
- Shenzhen Foreign Languages School Branch
- Shenzhen Middle School
- Shenzhen Shang Bu Middle School
- Shenzhen Sungang Middle School
- Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School
- Shung Tak Catholic English Collage
- Sing Yin Secondary Schhol
- SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School
- SKH Kei Hau Secondary School
- SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School
- SKH Li Fook Hing Secondary School
- SKH Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
- SKH Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School
- S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School
- St. Cita Secondary School
- St. Clare’s Girls’ School
- St. Francis’ Cannosian College
- St. Francis Xavier’s College
- St Joan of Arc Secondary School
- St Joseph’s College
- St. Mark’s School
- St. Mary’s Canossian College
- St. Paul’s Convent School
- St. Paul’s School (Lam Tin)
- St. Paul’s Secondary School
- St. Rose of Lima’s College
- St. Stephen’s College
- St. Stephen’s Girls’ College
- St. Teresa Secondary School
- STFA Leung Kau Kui College
- STFA Seaward Woo College
- STFA Tam Pak Yu College
- Su Zhou Li Da School
- Sung Lan Middle School
- Suzhou High School
- Suzhou High School of Jiangsu Province
- Suzhou Lida School, China
- SZ School
- Tak Sun Secondary School
- The Hong Kong Taoist Association Ching Chung Secondary School
- The Methodist Lee Wai Lee College
- The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad College
- The True Light Middle School of Hong Kong
- True Light Girls’ College
- Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School
- Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School
- Tuen Mun Government Secondary School
- Tung Chung Catholic School
- TWGHs Kap Yan Directors’ College
- TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College
- TWGHs Mr & Mrs Kwong Sik Kwan College
- TWGHs Mrs Fung Wong Fung Ting College
- Valtorta College
- Wa Ying College
- Wah Yan College Kowloon
- Xinghai Experimental Middle School
- Yan Chai Hospital No. 2 Secondary School
- Yan Chai Hospital Tung Chi Ying Memorial Secondary School
- Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School
- Yew Chung International School (Hong Kong)
- Ying Wa College
- Ying Wa Girls’ School
- YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College
- Yuen Long Public Secondary School
Last updated: 25 April 2013
Most Creative Award (最具創意獎)
For the lyrics that are most creative in presenting the theme “love”.頒予最能以獨特創意捕捉大會主題「愛」的作品。
Section | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | Friendship | Kwok Hiu Hang Lau Hiu Hei, Rosanne Ng Sui Man Wong Ho Sze | True Light Girls’ College |
Senior | Plant Seeds of Love Kathy Lui | Alice Kan | DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School |
Most Entertaining Award (最具娛樂性獎)
For the lyrics which have the best entertainment value.頒予最能娛樂大眾的作品。
Section | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | Best Friends | Chan Tsz Ching Chan Yan Kiu Tsang Hiu Hung Pang Wing Sze | Elegantia College |
Senior | Trendiest Apple | Zita Chan Francine Chang | St. Paul’s Convent School |
Most Harmonious Award (最合韻歌詞獎)
For the lyrics that have intonation and rhythm which best compliment the melody.頒予最能夠配合旋律的作品。
Section | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | Really Love Me | Cheryl Chu Phoebe Wong | Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) |
Senior | Connecting to the Earth | J.C. Ho Karman Leung | St. Paul’s Convent School |
Lyrics of the year (年度歌詞獎)
For the lyrics that best communicate the theme “love”, and touch the hearts of many.頒予最能捕捉大會主題「愛」,並感動人心的作品。
Section | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | You Should Be With Me | Resa Ng Renee Angeline Yeh | Chinese International School St. Paul’s Convent School |
Senior | Globe Wish | Chan Ngai Fong Georgina Choi Yuen Shan Fan Sze Lok Tam Hiu Yan | The True Light Middle School of Hong Kong |
Think Positive Award (Think Positive大獎)
For the lyrics that most effectively inspire the audience to “Think Positively”.頒予最能啟發聽眾「正面思維」的作品。
Section | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | Good mother | Ching Kit Sang Kwok Chun Him Tsang Ming Hei Wai Ho Yin | Elegantia College |
Senior | Hand in Hand | Cheung Yan Chi Chan Pui Yiu | Methodist College |
Best Presentation Award
Section | Title | Team Members | School |
Junior | You Should Be With Me | Resa Ng Renee Angeline Yeh | Chinese International School; St. Paul’s Convent School |
Senior | Connecting to the Earth | JC Ho Karman Leung | St. Paul’s Convent School |
Highlights of THiNKPosi+ive Lyrics Competition 2009
- Over 400 students
- Over 100 teams / entries
- Schools from Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Suzhou and United Kingdom
THiNKPosi+ive 填詞大賽 2009
- 過400 名參賽同學
- 過100份參賽作品
- 自香港、廣州、蘇州、英國等參賽學校
Language Arts: Songs, Popular Culture and Lyrics
Date: | 29 Oct 2009 (Thu) Postponed |
Time: | TBC |
Venue: | SkyHigh Creative Partners (5B Car Park, Tin Heng Estate, Tin Shui Wai) |
Facilitator: | Mr Chet Lam (林一峰先生) |
Language of Medium: | Cantonese |
Max Seats No.: | The first 80 registered participants |
Youth Portal Campus TV Workshop (By Invitation)
Date: | TBC |
Time: | TBC |
Venue: | TBC |
Facilitator: | Representative(s) from Youth Portal Hong Kong |
Awards & Criteria
Most Creative Awards
For the lyrics that are most creative in presenting the theme.
Most Entertaining Awards
For the lyrics which have the best entertainment value.
Most Harmonious Awards
For the lyrics that have intonation and rhythm which best compliment the melody.
Lyrics of the Year Awards
For the lyrics that best communicate the theme, and touch the hearts of many.
ThinkSeries Lyrics Awards
For the lyrics that most effectively inspire the audience to “Think Positively”.