School Group Booking
If your school is interested to watch the film “At Eternity’s Gate” and would like to arrange school group booking, please fill in the form here or contact Vivian Hon at 2787 8742.
Language Out Loud Awards Ceremony was held on 12 January 2019. For highlights, please click here!
.Dialogue Translation (English to Chinese)
.Visual Arts
About LOL
Language Out Loud (LOL) is a series of campaigns to promote language arts, generic skills development and artistic expression. We work with Harvard Cultural Agents, Pre-Texts, English teachers and artists to promote language arts through texts, films, scripts, visual arts, multimedia, poems and songs.
Why LOL?
LOL allows teachers to incorporate language arts into the English Language curriculum, make greater use of language arts materials and engage students in literary activities to develop their critical abilities, aesthetic awareness and cultural awareness. The three competitions facilitate LaC and the integrative use of English to develop students’ generic skills and linguistic competence in different contexts to address both KS3 / KS4 strand targets and English language learning targets.